Questionnaires are a great way to understand who my audience
are and what they want. At the start of the year I used a questionnaire to get
a sense of what my target audience wanted from the magazine.
Questionnaires are easy to produce and it is possible to
distribute them out for high demand. They are cheap to make and can change the
questions to fit my magazine. Therefore I can ask questions that link to the
answers I need.
Since the audience is anonymous, apart from age and gender,
I can expect to get real opinions from them, not influenced by having their
name associate with their response. However, it is not possible to tell that the
audience is telling the truth.
As part of my evaluation, I plan to do a questionnaire to get opinions from my target audience.
The data from closed
questionnaires are measurable. There are a set number of answers and I can
calculate percentages which answer the responders pick. However, there is often
little opportunity for the responders to expand upon their response.
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